Project details
The Spanish carbon fixation society website (SEFIN - Sociedad Española Fijación Carbono) aims to deepen the knowledge and promote the development of Biological Nitrogen Fixation and the beneficial interactions between plants and microorganisms, to improve the development of sustainable agriculture and contribute to the protection of the environment. The SEFIN also promotes the exchange of ideas between all professionals interested in the development of agriculture and environmental protection and promotes relations with other organisations with similar or complementary objectives at the national and international level. Sombradoble has designed and developed the website of the society. This work has focused on modernising and updating society, bringing its website to a more current image and closer to society. The website allows the society to act as a sales point for the public and the scientific community, allowing to optimise the divulgation and the communication of science.
- Design
- Development
- Management
- Web
Recent Entries
Organisation of the SESBEIX 2024 congress -
Web Development Madeinplant
Web Development Madeinplant -
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